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Senior Member NikoSnap is Male


NikoSnap's Profile Picture

Location: West Yorkshire, UK

Last Activity: 04-07-13
Join Date: 21-05-09
Referrals: 0
Online Status: NikoSnap is offline

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Total Posts: 535
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About me

A senior citizen. After an interval of many years, my interest in photography was rekindled with the introduction of the digital camera. Still playing catch up on the learning curve.

Latest Info. Due to my becoming much less mobile due to arthritis and the hassle of carting around a bagful of gear, I have now disposed of all my Nikon equipment in favour of a four thirds system which is smaller, lighter and easier to tote around. It's not a perfect solution but at least it means I can still carry on "snapping".

Name: Norman
Occupation: Long Retired (26 years)
Cameras Owned: (D)SLR.
Area of Specialism or Interest: Anything goes
Kit 1: Panasonic Lumix G5
Panasonic 14-140mm
Panasonic 100-300mm
Panasonic Leica DG 25mm f1.4
Raynox DCR-250 Super Macro
Other Kit: WEB SITE - http://www.pixeldigirama.weebly.com


Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2



    06-11-12 11:15 AM

    Hi Norman
    I have been away on holidays and only just saw what you have done with my post of the 'old Cuban'. I really like the effect, could you please tell me what you did?
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    22-05-09 06:25 PM

    Welcome to YoP Norman!
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